Angličtina pro zahrádkáře

Cvičení k lekci 10

doplněk k časopisu Zahrádkář 10/2008 str. 51

Flower garden

Flowers immediately cheer up (rozveselují) any garden with their vibrant (zářivými) colours and sweet aroma, and when planted in the right combination, they can keep your garden looking bright and beautiful all year round.
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A flower garden is a form of garden usually grown for decorative purposes. Because flowers bloom at varying times of the year, and some plants are annual, dying each winter, the design of flower gardens can be sophisticated (propracovaný, promyšlený), taking such matters (záležitosti, věci) into consideration (přemýšlení, uvažování) to keep blooms, even of specific colour combinations, consistent or present through varying seasons.
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Flower gardens combine plants of different heights, colours, textures, and fragrances to create interest and delight (potěšení, požitek, radost) the sences.
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Types of plants:

1) Annuals: Annuals are plants that live for a year or less based on Latin ´annus´, meaning ´year´. Annuals are also known as seasonal flowering plants which flower only for three or four months. They are normally grown through seeds and die, within a year. Annuals are great for creating instant (okamžitý, bezprostřední, přímý) effect and adding colour to your garden.
Examples of annuals are Asters, Dianthus, Bachelor button (chrpa), Phlox, Basil, Cosmos, Petunias, Salvias etc.
Nahrávka výslovnosti (*.MP3 soubor): 4

2) Biennials: A plant that takes two years to grow from seed to fruition, bloom and die or a plant that lasts two years is a biennial, based on Latin ´biennis´ meaning ´two years´. These are also seasonal flowering plants that flower only in the second zear of planting.
Examples of biennials are Foxglove (náprstník), Echium wildpretti (hadinec - latovité květenství - Madeira, Kanárské ostrovy) etc.
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3) Perennials): The Latin ´perennis´ means ´many years´. Perennials are those flowering plants that last longer and keep on flowering. Most take two years until they are old enough to bloom. Examples are Bleeding Heart (srdcovka), Water Lily (leknín), Gerberas, Geraniums, Anthurium etc. Once you plant them there is no need for replanting year after year.
Nahrávka výslovnosti (*.MP3 soubor):


annual letnička
biennial dvouletka
perennial trvalka
bulb cibulka rostliny, cibulovina
fern kapradina
weeds plevel
herb bylinka
water plant vodní rostlina
tree strom
shrub; bush keř
alpine skalnička
succulent sukulent
cactus kaktus
potted plant hrnkovka
shade plant stínomilná rostlina
grass tráva
ornamental flower okrasná květina
creeper plazivá rostlina
ground cover půdopokryvná rostlina; kobercovka
flowering shrub kvetoucí keř
climber popínavka

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